Project in Prime Minister’s Office Building Brunei received two thumbs up!

2019-02-25T22:40:07-05:00January 15th, 2018|

Leadcom Seating is pleased to announce that installation of its 844 chairs in the PrimMinister’s Office and Art Complex in Brunei Darussa-lam has finished and is highly commended by the client and the audience.

The Prime Minister’s Office in Brunei, a six-story state-of-the-art complex, stands magnificently in the heart of the capital’s government offices at Jalan Menteri Besar street, and has a total area of 92,000 square meters to house the operational accommodations and facilities for the ministerial offices and its functions.

Brunei project

LEADCOM SEATING provided a brand new customized model of auditorium seating in the client’s selection of shape, wood finishes and upholstery for this project.

This new model features full upholstered seat and upholstered inner back with high quality wood outerback. The end panels are in streamline style with solid wood armcaps to match the back panels. The fabric and wood finish of this model are well selected to match the Complex, which brings a clean and elegant feeling to the audience.



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