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Premiere Cinema, Pell City, USA – LS-813B

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Premiere Cinema, Pell City, USA – LS-813B2019-05-17T04:22:12-04:00

Premiere Cinemas ‘spoil their customers’ with the Maestro Premium

Premiere Cinemas – Pell City, USA

The Pell City Cinema entertainment venue is the latest complex to be added to the estate of Premiere Cinemas.

Owner and CEO of Texas-based Premiere Cinema Corp, Gary Moore, describes the goal of his venues simply and succinctly: “This is the cinema I want to go to when I see a movie”. Part and parcel of this are to offer real leather, high-end seating with a ‘Hollywood feel’.

A venue of significant size, this project involved 794 seats, for which the enduringly stylish Maestro Premium was a compelling choice. Offering sophisticated style and space-saving practicality, this model provides the wow factor that this cinema brand aims for.

“The first button controls the electric recliner function of the seat which is amazing in itself. But the second button adjusts the electric headrest for you. It doesn’t matter where you’re sitting in the theatre, you customize the viewing angle to your taste and comfort. You will be spoiled!”– Mark Vaughan, Facility Director at Premiere Cinemas – Pell City, USA

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