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Military Industry Corporation, Sudan-LS-9612

Home/Portfolio/Auditoriumsbestuhlung/Military Industry Corporation, Sudan-LS-9612
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Military Industry Corporation, Sudan-LS-96122018-01-17T04:02:33-05:00

The Military Industry Corporation, MIC –Sudan is a state-own corporation established in 1993, based on the first small caliber ammunition plant which started production in 1960. MIC’s main objectives are to sponsor, promote, and advance the defence industry, to serve the national strategies for homeland’s defence and security. Production of defence equipment, weapons and ammunitions; establishment of colleges and institutions that provide ; education; knowledge; training and solutions in the defence area; in addition to technological, technical, strategic planning and localization of new industries and technologies. Capabilities: World-class industrial complexes and high-tech factories. Advanced research centers. Maintenance, overhaul, repair, upgrade & services facilities. Test laboratories. Scope of activities: Production of weapons and ammunitions, Military equipment Electronic, automotive and leather industries. Aeronautic, aviation and marine industries. Transport and construction. Research and Development.

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