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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) – LS-20602

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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) – LS-206022024-01-17T21:11:25-05:00

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

After 3-years of construction, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ))  opened in September 2022. Deeply rooted in Hong Kong, HKUST(GZ) has a role to play in advancing the sustainable development of the city in the fast-changing digital era. While Hong Kong enjoys international status as one of the world’s most open and dynamic economies and has built close ties with the Chinese mainland, it needs to forge stronger partnerships between academics and industry to help the city keep pace with the latest innovation and technology trends and facilitate innovators to put new ideas into action.




Seeing the unprecedented demand for high-end talent in support of the development of Hong Kong and the world, HKUST is looking to push the boundaries and forge bridges across disciplines to develop leaders who aspire to make a difference. Like its fellow institutions around the globe, HKUST strives to think forward and reinvent education that defies the boundaries of traditional fields and opens up new frontiers of knowledge and research to address the unfolding needs of the wider society.

For this project, Leadcom installed Arcadia Elite Upholstery LS-20602 in one lecture theater hall and Herman Signature LS-9612 auditorium seating in two conference halls with great success. Arcadia Elite is specially designed to be compact, stylish and comfortable. With only 20.5” seat width and an anti-panic writing tablet, it is ideal for venues and lecture theaters where space is at a premium. The wooden outerback, seat pan and armrest with nice finishing not only add a feel of elegance to your space but also make your daily cleaning and maintenance easy. It is also available in full upholstered back and seat to meet your needs.

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