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Lotte Cinema in Yongsan – LS-815

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Lotte Cinema in Yongsan – LS-8152024-03-26T22:48:41-04:00

Lotte Cinema in Yongsan

A Tale of Satisfaction: The Lotte cinema is all setup

An Insight Into the Magical Work We Performed in South Korea

Join us as we celebrate an amazing feat which is the conclusion of the Lotte cinema project in South Korea. The just concluded project and the satisfaction of our clients at Lotte cinema stands as a testament to our continuous strive for excellence.

The just-concluded project saw the installation of 446 electric recliner seats. These seats were installed in a total of 6 cinema halls. The installations were considered as perfect and are a beauty to behold. The central idea of this project was “Made-to-measure”, meaning that the seats installed were customized to the exact taste of our client. The specially customized size of these recliners maximizes space efficiency. The Chelsea recliner series installed at the Lotte cinema is a testament to our commitment to providing very affordable quality furniture.

We got more news!! Lotte Cinema couldn’t get enough of our amazing work. So, we have begun a second project for them at Suwon and Daegu City. This project which is already in progress will see to the installation of 772 seats. We cannot wait to tell you more about this project. Endeavor to stay updated.

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