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Alibaba Xixi Park, Hanghzou – Model L-A11

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Alibaba Xixi Park, Hanghzou – Model L-A112024-04-12T04:52:40-04:00

Alibaba Xixi Park, Hanghzou

After 10 years of continuous construction, the construction of Alibaba’s Xixi Park global headquarters located in the Future Science and Technology City in Yuhang District, Hangzhou has now entered the final stage. Alibaba’s Hangzhou Xixi Global Headquarters has be fully completed and put into use by the end of 2023, and can accommodate 60,000 employees.

Alibaba Hangzhou Xixi Global Headquarters started construction in the second quarter of 2019, with a total investment of approximately 6.7 billion yuan, a total land area of approximately 398.5 acres, and a total construction area of approximately 980,000 square meters. It is used to create “new retail, new manufacturing, new finance, New Technology, New Energy” Innovation Center. The entire Alibaba Xixi Park has a total area of 2.01 million square meters and is the largest Alibaba global base camp in the world.

For this project, Leadcom installed Molio Wood Axis auditorium seating for a telescopic system. Molio series are designed for use in spaces where audience sightline, audience comfort and seating capacity maximization are needed. Its slim profile of 20-inch center width is best for wide and safe row access when the seat and armrests are tipped up. Molio Wood Axis is upgraded from the standard Molio series to a smooth spring and damping tip-up seat mechanism, which allows quiet and elegant tip-up operation.

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